Dear C19 Research Group,

A reminder of our first meeting of the term next week, on Wed 13th February at 4.15-5.15pm. We will be discussing the category ‘Neo-Victorian’.

Our focus will be on the essay by Mark Llewellyn, ‘What is Neo-Victorian Studies?’, which is the final essay in the first edition of the journal ‘Neo-Victorian Studies’, whose focuse is stated to be ‘contemporary re-imaginings of the nineteenth century’. We will consider the validity of the category ‘neo-Victorian’ – what is ‘neo’ about it? – and what issues it raises about presentistic interpretations of the past, in both creative and critical forms; and whether there is something distinctive about the way the Victorian (as opposed e.g. to the Romantic) period is culturally embedded.

The article can be found on-line by going to

Choose ‘Past Issues’ in the left hand column

1:1 Autumn 2008

What Is Neo-Victorian Studies?
Mark Llewellyn

Best wishes and see some of you next week. Tea and biscuits will be served from 4pm.
