The Nineteenth-Century Research Group

Promoting an interdisciplinary approach to the nineteenth century at the University of Lincoln

Category: Meetings (page 1 of 3)

‘Neo-Victorianism’ session with the 21st Century Research Group

On Wednesday the 14th of May, we held a joint session with the Twenty-First Century Research group. Our topic was Neo-Victorianism, and we were fortunate enough to have two excellent scholars come and talk to us about their work.

The first was Professor Angela Thody, who discussed the patterns of similarity between Victorian modes of education and developments in the late twentieth- and early twenty-first centuries. Angela provided us with a quiz at which, humble reader, I must admit that I did very badly. She also regaled us with song, which was a first for the Nineteenth-Century Research group!




Our second speaker was Dr. Benjamin Poore from the University of York. Ben spoke to us about Neo-Victorianism on television, focusing on ‘Sherlock Holmes, Ripper Street, and the Neo-Victorian Detective in Print and on Screen’. Ben discussed the reasons for the popularity of Victorian detective figures today, analysed the complexities of these portrayals, and provided us with a brilliant definition of steampunk as ‘retro-futurism’.


This was the final session of the year, and so we are now looking for suggestions for meetings and events in 2014-2015. If you would like to suggest anything, or to volunteer, please email the organisers at and/or

Next meeting of C19th research group, 13th March

Dear Nineteenth-Century Group,

A reminder of our next meeting on Wed 13th March at 4.15-5.30pm, in MC0019, the MHT building on the Lincoln Uni Brayford Campus, ground floor. Tea/ coffee and biscuits will be served at the beginning, as has become customary.

Our subject is ‘Digital Resources for Nineteenth-Century Studies’. Members are invited to briefly introduce an on-line resource which has potential for use in research and/or teaching – we have the computer facilities to ‘show and tell’.

Some members have already chosen Dickens Journals on-line, the British Library Nineteenth-Century Newspaper Archive, Orlando: Women’s Writing in the British Isles (C19 section), and the William Blake Archive. If you’d like to introduce another one, please drop me a line to let me know. Otherwise, come along and share ideas on the resources that are introduced.

Best wishes,


19th century research group meeting, Wednesday 13 February

Dear C19 Research Group,

A reminder of our first meeting of the term next week, on Wed 13th February at 4.15-5.15pm. We will be discussing the category ‘Neo-Victorian’.

Our focus will be on the essay by Mark Llewellyn, ‘What is Neo-Victorian Studies?’, which is the final essay in the first edition of the journal ‘Neo-Victorian Studies’, whose focuse is stated to be ‘contemporary re-imaginings of the nineteenth century’. We will consider the validity of the category ‘neo-Victorian’ – what is ‘neo’ about it? – and what issues it raises about presentistic interpretations of the past, in both creative and critical forms; and whether there is something distinctive about the way the Victorian (as opposed e.g. to the Romantic) period is culturally embedded.

The article can be found on-line by going to

Choose ‘Past Issues’ in the left hand column

1:1 Autumn 2008

What Is Neo-Victorian Studies?
Mark Llewellyn

Best wishes and see some of you next week. Tea and biscuits will be served from 4pm.


Next Nineteenth Century Group meeting, 28 November

Dear All,

The Nineteenth-Century Research Group meets next Wednesday, 28th November, on the Brayford Campus of Lincoln University, to hear Dr Kate Hill of Lincoln University speak about her work on women as museum users/collectors, entitled ‘Feminist Museology in the Nineteenth Century’. The meeting is at 4.15-5.30, in MC0020 (ground floor of MHT building)> Tea/coffee and biscuits will be provided to enhance our discussion.

We will also share ideas for next term’s programme.

Next meeting – date change 17 October

Dear all
In a change to the advertised programme, our next meeting will be on Wednesday 17 October, 4.15-5.30pm, room tbc. The themes for the meeting will be the Pre-Raphaelites, to coincide with the Tate Britain exhibition – Jim Cheshire will introduce a discussion of PRB art, and Rebecca Styler will pre-circulate two PRB poems for discussion. Contact Rebecca for copies of the poems –

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