Dr Sarah Longair (Associate Professor in the History of Empire) has been named one of the 2024 winners of the prestigious National Teaching Fellowship and Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence (CATE)!

“Sarah’s research into material culture and the British Empire demonstrates how objects can reveal untold histories of empire, offering new insights into the complex histories which shaped Britain and many other parts of the world. Objects offer diverse perspectives on the past, some of which are silenced when we only focus on text. The material legacies of empire, including statues and museum collections, are the subject of contemporary debates, therefore it is essential that we understand their histories better.  

Sarah is committed to sharing these approaches with the wider community, in particular schools and teachers, to enable them to bring material culture into the classroom. She regularly supports teachers across the country in bringing objects into their teaching, for example, through the Objects of Empire project, improving their confidence in approaching contested histories and new source material.” 

You can read more about Sarah’s research-led, interdisciplinary teaching here.